
Stay inspired with Kasia

Keynote Events

Speaking Engagements

3rd Real World Evidence and Market Access

Techstars Startup Week

AI in Healthcare Panel by Las Vegas HEALS

Invite me to speak

Dr. Kasia Hein-Peters is available to speak at your public or in-company events. Topics may include:

  • Recent AI/ML advancements in healthcare
  • How AI is advancing mental health
  • Inclusive innovation – how to leverage your diverse workforce to innovate better and faster
  • Closing the gap between today and sustainable growth – evidence-based innovation

Or your choice of topics around innovation or artificial intelligence in medicine.

Organize Your Own

Innovation 360 Group® Circle!

Research confirms that organizations that have strong capabilities in innovation and align those with their strategy enjoy greater competitive advantage. But innovation is not something that just happens. Just as you need to practice your way to becoming a world-class athlete, you need a coach and a process to becoming a world-class innovator.

Simplify the journey to innovation success with our unique framework. Innovation360 Group® Circles are a proven way of exploring our systematic, evidence-driven approach, to identifying and leveraging your strengths. All resting solidly on peer-reviewed science and the largest database in the world for innovation management.

It is an ideal format for ambitious entrepreneurial teams on a mission to disrupt a stagnant business model. It could be your next off-site meeting or C-suite retreat.

During the interactive, experiential session participants explore:

  • Innovation concepts and the language of innovation
  • The power of Innovation360’s innovation management framework and tools
  • New insights on what gets in the way of effective innovation.
  • Details and recommendations on how to sharpen innovation strategies, leadership, culture, and capabilities.

The Session:

  • Each participant receives a comprehensive report of the organization, including innovation capabilities, leadership styles, culture, and innovation personas.
  • After an in-depth lecture covering the critical aspects of successful innovation, participants take a deep dive into their individualized evaluation of the strengths and weaknesses of their organization.
  • Round table dialogue includes embedded risks, blockers, and performance amplifiers, i.e., potential opportunities. Participants gain inspiration through examples and theories about superior innovation inside organizations.

Why It Works?

  • Innovation is recognized as a key to growth, along with employee and customer engagement.
  • An Innovation360 Group® Circle session brings together the company leaders with insights from the world’s foremost experts in innovation management.
GDP growth is driven
by innovation
0 %
of customers want to buy
from innovative companies
of employees are more
loyal to innovators